ABOUT Martina
Martina Farnham was born in 1975 in the Czech Republic. Her maiden name is Martina Urbancova and she came to the USA in 2005. She is married with two young sons and lives and bases her work out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Martina began her modeling career at the age of 18 in the Czech Republic where she also studied Business Economics. Since that time, she has worked with many photographers as a fashion, lingerie and swimsuit model. Martina’s passion was and is fitness! That’s why she decided to study at the National Personal Training Institute (NPTI) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and to obtain her NASM certification. In addition to her NASM, she is a certified Spinning Instructor and a TRX group certified instructor. Her passion goes beyond just looking good. It has its foundation in her determination to be helpful to all women desiring a “Fit” lifestyle. Her happiness, beyond the joy of her family, draws on the happiness she sees in the eyes of her trainees as they reach their fitness goals. Their success is her success and her happiness.
Martina has a 20 year career in modeling and fitness. She has been published in Europe and worked professionally there for ten years. While she is currently based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania , she has traveled throughout Europe and the United States; including location shoots in New York City, Baroda, Michigan, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego California, Las Vegas, Nevada Toronto, Canada, Frankfort, Germany, and London, England.
She specializes in being versatile and creative, excellent at moving in front of the camera and enjoy doing a variety of work, from fashion, swimwear, to non nude glamour photography. She has done fashion shows, and ad campaigns. She has had coverage in the sports media and been featured on US and European television including: Eurosport TV, ESPN and Speed Channel.
Some highlights of her career include:
2005 September chosen as the New Face of 2006 for Wilhelmina Model Agency in Tennessee
2005 October Fashion show broadcast on Channel 5 in Nashville, TN
2005 November BAJA BOAT video with Jay Nevans Bill Armstrong Photography Studio
2006 January Winner of the Red Hot Girls contest for 2006
2006 May Contracted with Red Sky Comics to be their featured superspy, AngelV
2006 June Speaking role in feature film Dorm of the Dead
2006 November Second Place in the Ms Bikini World 2006 Contest
2007 January Featured in the February issue of Soak Magazine
2007 July Featured in Road Rash Magazine Cover
2007 November Girl of the Month for March 2008 Gentworld Calendar
2007 December Featured in the December issue of Tearsheet Bachelor Magazine
2008 Superbike Race in Salt Lake City Superbike Umbrella Girl, Grid Girl for Ducati, model appeared with Number Troy Bayliss
2015 June Featured in Muscle Sports Magazine as Author & Model